Work Hurk

Hurk? Hurk? What’s Hurk?
I don’t know, but it must be better than work.
– Shel Silverstein

Fortunately, Shel Silverstein (may he rest in peace) isn’t building our house. In the past two days, Kevin fixed our road, buried our electric line, filled in the rocks and dirt around the basement, and the plumber plumbed the plumbing in the foundation.

The deer stand is down and it’s tree died today. I was sad about that, but there were many wounds inflicted upon the tree by the builders of the deer stand. 

 The former deer stand

Here’s Dave in his future bedroom:


 After the tragedy of the deer stand tree, here’s a shot of part of our driveway. On the right you can make out some red stuff. That’s the underground electric wire. On the left there is a huge white oak. That tree was doomed until we decided to run the last 250 feet of electric wire underground. Then Kevin positioned the last pole where we could save the tree. Yea!!! Also the tree on the right doesn’t need trmming now, even though it has a big T on it.


And finally, a shot from the southwest, recording general progress.



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