Today’s Daily Bread



Gary and I made bread in the wood fired oven again today. We are still working on timing the bread and oven and ended up baking bread until after dark. The good news is we didn’t burn any bread this time!

The white bread is pain al ancienne from Peter Reinhart’s Bread Baker’s Apprentice.  It’s our go to party bread. It’s easy and has a wonderful flavor. It’s a little under done today, but we’ll brown it when we reheat it.

The brown bread is multigrain struan,  from Reinhart’s Whole Grain Breads. We love it so much that  it’s our new daily bread. It’s 100% whole grain and  fairly high in protein. The bread is mostly whole wheat flour, but the multigrain part is up to the baker. My version includes quinoa, oats, cornmeal, chia seeds and flax seeds. Today is the first time I tried the sunflower seeds on the outside so I only did half the loaves. I was afraid of burning them, but they came out just fine.


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