Roll over, roll over

I had a request for the Thanksgiving roll recipe, so here it is. I adapted the original recipe to use instant yeast, because that’s what I have on hand. (Instant yeast isn’t really instant. It just means that you mix the yeast with the flour instead of dissolving it in water first.)

This makes 2 or 3 dozen rolls, depending on how big you make them. Like all bread, they freeze well.

Graham Rolls – adapted from A Texas Family’s Cookbook


1 Tb instant yeast (I buy this at Whole Foods and keep it in the freezer where it keeps indefinitely.)

3 cups white flour

3 cups whole wheat flour

2 teaspoons salt

¾ cup unsalted butter melted (a stick and a half)

2 cups water – around body temp, no warmer than 105 degrees

2 eggs, room temp, slightly beaten


1 Mix flours, salt, and yeast.

2 Mix butter, eggs, water.

3 Add the wet ingredients to the dry.

4. Stir and then knead until the dough is elastic and smooth. Add more flour if it’s too wet.

5. Oil dough, cover with oiled plastic wrap, and refrigerate for 24 hours.  (I skip this step sometimes, but the flavor is better when you do it.)

6. Let dough rise at room temp until doubled. (time depends on room temp, dough temp, yeast and probably the phase of the moon, too)

7. Shape the rolls.

8. Cover with oiled plastic and let rise another 45 minutes to an hour.

9. Bake in a 400 degree oven for about 15 minutes.

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