Local Charm

No, this is not about the gone but not forgotten Telephone Road bar, but real Leasburg local charm.

Today, Dave and I went to Onondaga cave, at Onondaga Cave state park. (In case you haven’t been to one yet, Missouri state parks are very nice to compared to state parks in other, uh, unnamed states.)

The cave is about 6 miles due east of our property. If you come to visit, we’ll take you there. It’s a great cave. There are uncountable speleothems: stalactites, stalagmites, columns, flowstone, soda straws, lily pads, rimstone, a flowing river, and a gi-normous room. There aren’t even any claustrophobia inducing parts on the tour. It takes about an hour and you see 70% of the cave.

 Here’s a photo that I didn’t take:

Gary didn’t go with us today because he works. Somebody around here has to, I guess. I asked him what caves he went to when he was growing up.  Here’s what he said:

  • that cave down by the hog trough bridge that you have to crawl on your belly to get in – but then it’s really big.
  • the bat cave near Huzzah Creek
  • the cave near the Salvation Army camp that’s full of bats and bat guano, not to be confused with the bat cave.

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