It’s hard to pick your favorite restaurant in Cortona…

but this is mine:

Still a little jet lagged and very hungry on our first full day in Cortona, we stumbled into La Bucaccia for lunch. It was almost 2 pm and we were the only customers. The food and service were fabulous. At the time, we had no idea that our server was also an owner and the chef.

Gary and I with Chef Agostina

We liked La Bucaccia so much, we ate here again for dinner and another lunch. Dinner was packed and we were lucky to get a table. I still hadn’t looked up the place to find out that it had loads of rave reviews and we should have made a reservation.

Dave and Beth at our first lunch at La Bucaccia.

During one of our grocery trips to the Coop in Camucia, we ran into the owners and their daughter. It was like meeting old friends. (Camucia is the town at the bottom of the hill where many people in the area live. Camucia is Carbondale to Cortona’s Aspen. Only much closer.)

Check out La Bucaccia’s website for more photos of the fascinating 13th century building that houses the restaurant.

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