Home sweet home

We’ve moved into the new house! However, we still don’t have countertops, so we’re camping.

Why did we move in early?

The sewer flooded the basement of the rental house. The cleaners came and gutted the basement. So, the bottom 2 feet of wall between the finished basement and the garage was missing. The forecasted low was 8 degrees. We moved in with Gary’s mom. We moved back to the rental house when it warmed up and used moving boxes to cover the missing wall.

We celebrated Christmas eve at Steve and Kelly’s. When we got home, the rental house was cold. The furnace was dead. We bundled up and went to bed. On Christmas day, we came out to the new house and opened presents. Then we moved Dave’s bed and the air mattress to the new house and spent the night.

On Boxing Day (Friday), with lots of help, we moved everything else out here. Now we’re unpacking. It’s great to be home.

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