Dinner in Tuscany

viewfromalinasOur new Italian friends, Alina and Franco, invited us to dinner at their house one evening. We had a wonderful time, with great company and great food. Even though Alina is the only member of the family that speaks English and none of us speak Italian, we didn’t  have many problems communicating.

Alina made pasta al funghi and insalata caprese, accompanied by the family’s red and white wine, from their own vineyard. It was delicious. Desert was gelato with home grown strawberries. We even had homemade Vin Santo and Limoncello! This dinner was the highlight of our trip.


Gary took this one, so he’s not in it. That’s Aurora waving!


This is Alina’s father in law, with the olive trees and then Cortona in the background. The family raises olives, grapes, wheat, and corn.


Gary and Dave in the cantina, where they make the wine and cure the prosciutto and salami.


Beth and Alina  in the cantina.


Franco, slicing homemade salami.


These are capers! This vine  was here when the family bought the place over 40 years ago. Alina and Franco gave us a jar of capers to bring home. They are delicious.




Franco’s father in the vineyard. I think these are sangiovese grapes.


The prosciutto will be ready next year. They raise the pigs themselves.

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