Christmas Upstairs – Saturnalia Downstairs 2011

This year we had 45 guests for the annual Hoover Christmas Eve Celebration. I think they all had a pretty good time.

Mellow has no idea what is coming

It didn’t take long for Mellow to head to the bedroom closet to ride out the Christmas storm.

The kids had an ornament exchange.
I never did get a photo of everyone at once.
Dave is not texting. He's doing one of those metal puzzles.

A lot of people were out on the porch where we had a fire in the fireplace. It was too cold for me, so there aren’t any photos.

Tequila! And pickle juice? Yep, that's what they were drinking.

After a few hours of visiting and gift opening, some of the guests went down to the basement bar for something a little stronger than tea, coffee or wine.

Yes, we have a breathalizer.

We made sure all the drivers were legal. These were not the drivers.

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