Category: Food

  • Karuna Smoothie

    Ingredients for two 32 Oz Smoothies 2 Cups Kale or other dark leafy greens 1 medium raw beet, peeled 2 medium carrots zest of one lemon inside of one lemon 1/4 C Pumpkin seeds 2 Tbs Flax seeds 2 tsps ground turmeric 2 tsps matcha 1 tsps amla dash of freshly ground black pepper 2…

  • Traditional Cornbread Dressing – except vegan and spicy

    Ingredients 1 day old pan of vegan cornbread 1 cup of firm white bread cubes (Pain a l’Ancienne) 2 cups homemade vegetable  broth 1/3 Cup aquafaba – measure then whip to a foam 1 onion diced 2 celery stalks diced 3 cloves garlic 1 tsp thyme 1 tsp oregano 1 tsp cayenne 1 tsp black pepper 1…

  • Hoover Hill Pizza Dough

    Enough for 8 personal pizzas. 1 lb bread flour 1 lb freshly ground hard red winter wheat 2 tsp salt 4 tsp instant yeast 1/4 C olive oil 2 tsp agave nectar 20 oz water – room temperature or cooler 1. Combine dry ingredients in a stand mixer with a bread hook. 2. Combine water,…

  • Red Beans and Rice

    Ingredients 1 lb Camillia Brand Red Beans (These really are the best and make a huge difference. I order them from the website and they come fast. Plus everything you ever wanted know about Red Beans is on their website, including lots of recipes. Otherwise use generic red kidney beans, but it wont be the…

  • Blueberry muffins

    These are even vegan. I used ground flax instead of eggs and coconut yogurt instead of buttermilk. They were delicious!

  • Today’s Daily Bread

    Before. After. Gary and I made bread in the wood fired oven again today. We are still working on timing the bread and oven and ended up baking bread until after dark. The good news is we didn’t burn any bread this time! The white bread is pain al ancienne from Peter Reinhart’s Bread Baker’s Apprentice. …

  • Now THIS is an energy drink

    Back in October I came down with a long lasting cold that’s been going around. Gary and Dave had already had it, so I knew what I was in for when I got the first sore throat. (There were 2 and the second one was worse.) I decided to take some immune boosting action. I…