Category: Building

  • I’m back!!!!

    Sorry about the delay in the updates. Last Friday I flew back to Texas for a beach weekend and to take care of a little work.  I was staying at a beach house at San Luis Pass with my dear friend Kathy and her daughter, when the cell phones started ringing – warning us about…

  • Pass the Kool-Aid, please

    Yesterday, Dave and I went to see Barack Obama. He came to Missouri University of Science and Technology in Rolla – about 20 miles from Cuba. There were 1200 people there. It was hot and crowded, but very well organized and they were passing out free water. Obama was very relaxed and well spoken. He…

  • Christina’s new shoes

    They’re pouring the floor on Tuesday, so that will be the next house photo.  Yesterday, I went shopping with Ruth Ann (Gary’s sis) and her granddaughter, Christina. Christina’s 16, so as you can imagine, she’s the only one who bought anything interesting – these shoes. She was so exctied about the shoes that I told her…

  • Work Hurk

    Hurk? Hurk? What’s Hurk? I don’t know, but it must be better than work. – Shel Silverstein Fortunately, Shel Silverstein (may he rest in peace) isn’t building our house. In the past two days, Kevin fixed our road, buried our electric line, filled in the rocks and dirt around the basement, and the plumber plumbed the plumbing in the foundation.…

  • Hello Walls

    The forms are gone. Yea! And there’s some other stuff lying around to. I don’t know what it’s for. I climbed up halfway up the deer stand to get a photo of the basement walls. I would have climbed all the way up, but it was too scary. Really. I’m not a big fan of…

  • The Pour

    Despite the menacing clouds, lightening, and occasional rain, they poured the basement walls today. They used a gigantic pump truck to pump the concrete to the forms. Here’s Kevin the Builder aiming the concrete into the pump truck: These guys are standing on the west basement wall. The last guy on the right is running…

  • Category 4 Storm Headed for Freeport!!!!!

    Board your windows! Buy water! Buy Spam! Panic! Gosh, I’m missing the media madness that happens whenever there’s a storm in the Gulf. Here in flyover territory, there’s a 50% chance of rain tomorrow. And, yes, it’s the day they’re supposed to start pouring concrete. Finally. The forms are all in place. This is what…