Category: Building

  • Outside looking in

    The south side – collecting solar heat. The front of the house on the north side – that nobody sees.

  • Endless Summer

    This passive solar thing is really working out. According to Weather Underground, the high today was 39 degrees. It was sunny all day. It’s 30 degrees outside right now. Our thermostat has been set on 68 degrees all day. The furnace has not come on since early this morning. The temperature on the left is…

  • This one’s for Beth

    The living room in the basement. It’s not unpacked or furnished yet. The furniture upstairs is going down here. We’ve ordered new stuff for up there. (Yes, we have recreated our living room from Brazoria, only it’s reversed. And the bar is granite, not formica. The wall on the left is all windows, just like…

  • Prepping the prep sink

    Kevin, the general contractor. Since he’s not a licensed plumber, he was unable to pull off the standard plumber pose.

  • And the kitchen sink

    We have running water in the kitchen. Yea! The backsplash should be coming next week.

  • Happy New Year!

    The installers from Stone Fabricators Inc. were here today with the counter tops. On Friday, the plumber will plumb. Kevin hasn’t given us a date on the back splash yet. We’re sorta moved in. Here’s a closeup of the kitchen counter top. It is Finlandia Green soapstone. It’s a very hard soapstone. Unlike granite, soapstone…

  • Home sweet home

    We’ve moved into the new house! However, we still don’t have countertops, so we’re camping. Why did we move in early? The sewer flooded the basement of the rental house. The cleaners came and gutted the basement. So, the bottom 2 feet of wall between the finished basement and the garage was missing. The forecasted…