Category: Building

  • Form Update

    I drove to the property this morning. The gate was locked. I called Kevin The Builder (KTB). KTB: “What’s going on.” Me: “Nothing!” As of 9:30 am, we were still waiting on forms. They had to bring them from another job. We went back out this afternoon, in the new truck, and the place is…

  • The Truck

    I love my truck. It’s right outside. I ain’t got much luck, But I sure got a ride. It has been determined, by people who know these things, that we will need a four wheel drive vehicle to make it up our driveway in the ice and snow. These same people have also determined that…

  • Signs

    The sign says to go right. But to get to our place, you have to turn left, drive past the Mount Olive Baptist church, and go up the hill.

  • No photo! No photo!

    Last year we went to Rome and I’ll always remember these things about the Sistine Chapel: the amazing art the brilliant colors the crowd the Vatican security guards constantly clapping their hands twice, saying “SHHHHHHH” and then shouting “No photo! No photo!” So, I did not take this photo of the Sistine Chapel. I also…

  • Forms

    Yep, we have ’em. I went out to property around 3 today and this is what I saw.

  • Same house, different day

    On Monday they are pouring the foundation. Not much has changed this week. Today, I took this shot  from the southeast. The sky was an amazing blue. I’m planning on taking a picture every day, whether or not anything changes. I picked out this tile today. Do you notice anything interesting about the color? I…

  • Wildlife

    This deer stand and the tree it’s in are going to have to come down. I wanted to keep the tree, but it’s been seriously damaged by the deer stand. Here’s the only deer we’ve seen lately. Yep, it’s a lame joke, but I really like this photo.