Category: Building

  • Gooseberry trail

    Check out the trail that Gary made. It runs from the north side of the house to about halfway to the north property line. And, yes, there’s a gooseberry patch right next to the trail.

  • Before and After

    Last week, when I was in Texas for a retreat, I saw wonderful friends, had great meals, and gathered up the courage to see our old house. We lived there for 21 years and I love that land on the San Bernard river.  We planted many perennials over the years, along with live oaks, palm…

  • Sunday sunny Sunday

    After 6 months of procrastination, I thought I’d finally upload a photo of the living room furniture. And I threw in a couple of  flower beds for good measure. Here’s the back porch. The big green plants (angles trumpet, perrenial sunflower, obedience plant) in this bed are covered with buds. And yes, those windows upstairs…

  • Pain à l’ancienne

    Today I made pain à l’ancienne from the Bread Bakers Apprentice. It’s very tasty and easier than ciabatta, once you get the hang of it. Check out that crumb!

  • Rocky Mountain High-king

    Dave on the edge – of Mount Sopris Ruth Ann hiking up the path Dori and I at the lakes – elevation 10260. It took us 2 hours and 15 minutes to get here. And only an hour and a half to get back down. (I was the slowpoke.)

  • Garden of eatin’

    Our 7 raised beds contain, from left to right: squash, corn (was lettuce and greens), tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers, more tomatoes, herbs, and strawberries and asparagus. Up until a couple of weeks ago, we had a pretty green lawn of annual rye. We planted it to hold the soil in place while our buffalo grass…

  • Back to the future

    We having started calling the basement, “Brazoria.” If you visited us at our house near Brazoria in the last couple of years, you know why. Our basement living room is a replica of our old living room. Same furniture, same pictures on the wall, same TV, a wall of windows on one side and a…