A hail of a spring so far

Yesterday around 5:30 I was sitting on the screened porch with a friend while a thunderstorm passed over. All of the sudden, the rain became very LOUD. Turns out it was the biggest hail I’ve ever seen. It was a little bigger than marble size, but hey, I’ve only lived in the midwest for 3 years.

Hail on the Lime tree

This little lime tree was on the deck and we opened the door and Gary pulled it under the eave. No limes were harmed!

At least it was big enough to get a picture of while it was falling!

As you can see, there was quite bit, but it melted right away. After the storm passed, the weather alarm went off. The weather alarm has been going off a lot lately. In fact, today is the first day in a while that it hasn’t gone off. But it is pouring down rain right now.

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