New Orleans 2008

My cousin Lori, who also just turned 50. Except she still looks 30.

My good friend, Mary the first

Lainey, Jo and Fritz all looking lovely

Kathleen, Jo, Mary, and Fritz, doing what we do in New Orleans when we’re not eating or napping. When you let these people handle cards or dominoes, they can be far more vicious than they look.

Lori, Lainey and Fred at my birthday dinner

Fritz talking picture of me, while Joanna looks on

Niece Lisa with Uncle Fritz

Mary and Lainey talking a walk on the levee.

Mary’s pulled pork panini at NOLA

One of Fritz’s masterpieces – the bathroom in the little apartment.

My spot at the table for my birthday dinner. Lainey did all the decorating, including making the card. It was beautiful.

Lisa and Jo, the baker of the best birthday cake ever

Saying Bye on Bermuda Street

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