If we weren’t all crazy, we would go insane

Last weekend, my friend Jane and I left the men in Missouri and flew to Washington DC  for the Rally to Restore Sanity. We had a wonderful time, in large part because of our gracious hosts, Rob and Helen.   Not only did they house us for the long weekend, but Rob gave us a ride to and from the metro when it was clear that parking was impossible. They also took us out to eat, to church and showed us around their lovely city.


Rob and Helen at brunch on Sunday morning  at the original Clyde’s in Georgetown. Although they don’t show up in the photo,  the Marine Corps Marathoners are right outside the window.


All these people had gotten off  the train at the Navy Archives metro station and are trying to go up the 4, non-working escalators to leave the station. Jane took this photo after we had gone through a similar crowd and were standing in yet another. On this level, the bottleneck was 4  turnstiles where we had to validate our tickets. It took 30 minutes to get out of the station. However, even in this crowd, people were polite and friendly.


This sign was a little to the left of most of the signs that we saw. Which, of course, is why I liked it. (We’re still in the metro station.)


Might be my favorite sign.


Those of us who get the sign on the left REALLY get it!  I think we can all appreciate the sign on the right.


Even in this crowd, people were polite, friendly and well, sane. After a couple of hours in the crowd, we decided to go to a bar and watch the rest on TV.


We found a sports bar about 2 blocks from the mall – also packed with rally goers.


Jane and I at Capital City Brewing. We went here with Rob, post rally.

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