Things to do when you come to visit us


You can walk in the woods to this pretty wet weather creek.  (The pretty girl, our niece Beth,  may not be here to walk with you. Walking in the woods available from late September through mid April.)


If you visit from March through October, we can see Onondaga cave. This is the lily pad room – one of the best cave rooms anywhere, in one of the best caves. And it’s only 10 or so miles from our house.


You can hope that the shiitake mushrooms are fruiting.


You can eat some yummy local cheese made from the happy cows at Morningland Dairy.

And if you crave more excitement, you can visit the public art in Cuba, Mo. Here’s the website I did for Viva Cuba, describing all the art. Be sure to visit the blog to find out what’s happening in Cuba.

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