Let’s take this inside

That view from the outside isn’t really changing much, so here are a couple of indoor shots. Things are moving along quickly. They started the taping of the drywall today. Here is the living room, from the vicinity of the front door.

And the basement, from the back door.

In other news, David and I have been volunteering for Senator Obama’s campaign. On Tuesday, Betty Anne McCaskill (Clarie’s mom) and Jean Carnahan visited Cuba for a meeting with the volunteers. Here’s Dave with them and Nikki Zullig, our Crawford county Obama organizer. (I forgot her real title.)

2 responses to “Let’s take this inside”

  1. OMG I forgot that you had taken this picture! Dave was such a good volunteer. So I’m up in New Hampshire now working for OFA as a Regional Field Director! I promise I’ll send you an email soon and tell you all about it! Miss you tons!

  2. Niki! I just saw your comment. I miss you, too. Congrats on the job! Send that email soon.

    You should see Dave now! In related news, Robin Carnahan is speaking at our Truman Day dinner tonight. But I don’t think Dave will be there to get in a photo. I’ll get one of myownself. I sure hope she wins.

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